Risultati della traduzione
Risultato di traduzione
Interview with Libero newspaper Albania, “suspend migrant detention”: the request reaches the Supreme Court https://www.liberoquotidiano.it/news/terra-promessa/41052395/albania-richiesta-cassazione-sospendere-trattamenti-migranti.html Interview with Skytg 24 Migrant issue: PG Cassation: Appeals, wait for the EU Court https://tg24.sky.it/politica/2024/12/04/decreto-flussi-cosa-prevede?fbclid=IwY2xjawG9vZ1leHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHSUYwDgcfIDPaXGxEzyl4B45f543BeKoZ4LQc2bRuPGttVNA9-JI-I2P6g_aem_FtVRYju9qWH1KGKFDxlV5Q
Interview il Riformista, Migrants in Albania, showdown in the Supreme Court. The appeal of the Viminale: “EU Court of Justice misrepresented”, October 23, 2024 https://www.ilriformista.it/migranti-in-albania-resa-dei-conti-in-cassazione-il-ricorso-del-viminale-travisata-corte-di-giustizia-ue-442730/
Rainews Interview “Serious violations of the right to defense”, the protest of the lawyers of the migrants landed in Bari
La Repubblica Interview, Migrants in Albania, asylum requests rejected. But the judges in Rome do not validate the detentions: the return to Bari tomorrow. Meloni’s anger: “Monday cdm, October 18, 2024 https://www.repubblica.it/italia/2024/10/18/news/migranti_albania_respinte_richieste_di_asilo_convalida_trattenimenti-423563500/
Interview Giada Zampano Migrants at greater risk of abuse after ‘ill-judged’ EU-Tunisia deal, experts warn, July 24, 2023
Interview by Giampiero Valenza, Putin accused of war crimes, here’s what it means and what happens to those who commit them
Interview by Giampiero Valenza, Ukraine, what will become of people fleeing the war? Refugees,
temporary protection: all the differences
Interview: A Tor Vergata nasce un Osservatorio sul bullismo: studierà i casi nelle scuole
Interview by Luca Santocchia, 20 August 2021
Interview by Francesca Bernasconi, 29 June 2021
When marriage is a crime: ‘This is how they deny women the choice’
Interview on Wired.it, di Gabriele Cruciata 3 giugno 2021
Interview on Radio in blu (from 4,40 minute) brief in-depth examination of the draft decree law containing urgent provisions on Immigration, Protection, International and Complementary (6 October 2020).
What happens with the new Security Decree? Interview with Lawyer Paolo Iafrate
August 20, 2019
Interview by Antonella Vitelli, August 2019
I had a chat with Prof. Avv. Iafrate, Adjunct Professor at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”- Strategic Committee CREG – Center for Economic and Legal Research, University of Rome “Tor Vergata” on the Security Decree. On July 2, Professor Iafrate spoke at Montecitorio during a hearing concerning the examination of the bill converting the Law Decree .53 and containing urgent provisions regarding public order and safety.
Interview on Aracne TV ” Andrà tutto – bene – Puntata n.199, “Temporary residence permit”
- [Rome 30.07.2019] Audition, at the Bureau of the Senate Constitutional Affairs Commission of the bill n. 1437, hall of the Constitutional Affairs Commission, Palazzo Carpegna in the examination of the bill converting the law decree n. 53 of 2019, containing urgent provisions regarding public order and safety: http://webtv.senato.it/webtv_comm?video_evento=19201
- [Rome 02.07.2019 Audition, at the Sala del Mappamondo of Palazzo Montecitorio, the Commissions united Constitutional Affairs and Justice as part of the examination of the bill converting the law decree n. 53 of 2019, containing urgent provisions regarding public order and safety: https://webtv.camera.it/evento/14691
- The legislation on immigrants and refugees in Italy: “between formalities and operations (14 February 2018) Book presentation to the CNEL (National Council of Economy and Labor, Author: Paolo Iafrate
- Radio Radicale – Conference on Migration, Integration and Terrorism. Protection of rights and prevention, repression and propaganda (16 February 2017)
- Radio Rai –> Interview Manuale d’Europa ( 24 January 2016)
- Interview on Aracne TV “Cittadino del mondo: il diritto di scegliere dove vivere” (October 2015)
- Inteview on Aracne TV “Migrants: Italian and European laws ”
” (Paolo Iafrate e Roberto Maria Meola, August 2015)
- Interview on Repubblica “The protection of immigrant child” (May 2014)