

[October 2024], The crisis in Libya what prospects?, in Federalismi,no.25/2024, pp.143 -169. ISSN1826-3534

[March 2024 ] Author Chapter (2024), Il castello di Kafka. Il riconoscimento del titolo di studio e delle qualifiche professionali dei cittadini stranieri nel Volume, OLTRE GLI SBARCHI, Governance delle migrazioni economiche in Italia e nuove proposte di policya cura di Benedetto Coccia e Antonio Ricci, progetto di ricerca promosso da Istituto di Studi Politici “S. Pio V” e realizzato da Centro Studi e Ricerche p.128-132., IDOS, ISBN 978-88-6480-089-9

[January 2024 ] Author Chapter (2024), Imigração: Crianças E Adolescentes Não Acompanhados, in INFÂNCIAS: POLÍTICA, CIDADANIA E DIREITOS NO BRASIL E NA ITÁLIA, a cura di Flávio Santiago, Lisandra Ogg Gomes, Maria Aparecida Antero Correia, p. 249- 292, DOI: 10.51795/9786526510476 (in lingua portoghese), Pedro & João Editores 13568-878 – São Carlos – SP 2024,

[December 2023 ] Author Chapter (2023), The access of third-country nationals to public administration jobs and prospects in Italy and Germany in the light of Euro-unification developments, ITALIAN REVIEW OF LEGAL, pp. 261-294, ISSN 2464-8914,

[August 2023 ] Author Article (2023), Immigration And Welfare: Focus On The Regularization Of Third Country Nationals, , in Authors: Aikaterini-Sotiria Argyriou, Elena Repman, Elvira Ruzieva, Enea Franza, Francesco da Riva Grechi, Marzia Coltri, Paolo Iafrate, Paolo Patrizio,in ESG WORKING GROUP SECTION ONE, NITED NATIONS (UN) UPEACE – UNIVERSITY FOR PEACE – ROMEp.16-62, Roma, Universitalia, ISBN 978-88-3293-690-2

[June 2023] Chapter with Sandra Abbondandolo, “Il minore straniero nell’area romana e nel contesto regionale: tra tutela e accoglienza”, Osservatorio Romano sulle Migrazioni, Diciasettesimo Rapporto, edited by Centro Studi e Ricerche IDOS in collaboration and with the support of Istituto di Studi Politici San Pio V. Edizioni IDOS Roma, June 2022, pp.112-116.

[June 2023] Author Article Climate Change and Migratory Flows, DEMOCRAZIA E DIRITTI SOCIALI,

[December 2022], Author Article, L’impatto del cambiamento climatico sui flussi migratori nel Mediterraneo. DEMOCRAZIA E DIRITTI SOCIALI, p. 107-123, ISSN: 2610-9166,

[September 2022] Author Il sistema normativo europeo a tutela dei I minori stranieri non accompagnati: profili comparatistici in Austria e Belgio. COMPARAZIONE E DIRITTO CIVILE, vol. 3, p. 1001-1034, ISSN: 2037-5662.

[August 2022] Author Article Author article Magazine “Judicium” La legge 18 dicembre 2020, n.173 tra innovazioni e criticità. JUDICIUM, p. 1-19, ISSN: 2533-0632,

[July 2022] Author Article, L’immigrazione nella politica della Prima Repubblica, in Dialoghi mediterranei, July 2020, ISSN2384-9010.

[June 2022], Author Chapter “L’andamento della criminalità minorile nell’area romana”, Osservatorio Romano sulle Migrazioni, Diciasettesimo Rapporto, edited by Centro Studi e Ricerche IDOS in collaboration and with the support of Istituto di Studi Politici San Pio V. Edizioni IDOS Roma, June 2022, pp.123-124, ISBN 9788864800967.

[January 2022] Author Chapter Captured within borders: the case of internally displaced persons and its impact on human rights in the book, OSPITI INDESIDERATI, Il diritto d’asilo a 70 anni dalla Convenzione ONU sui Rifugiati, edited by Benedetto Coccia and Antonio Ricci, research project promoted by Istituto di Studi Politici “S. Pio V” and realized by Centro Studi e Ricerche IDOS, ISBN 978-88-6480-085-1, p.90-94, (in Italian and English).

[October 2021] Author Chapter Tutela dei minori: problematiche e criticità del Patto europeo Migrazione e Asilo in Quaderno CESPI (5) edited by Sebastiano Ceschi and Andrea Stocchiero, Una strada accidentata, Italia e Europa tra politiche migratorie e processi di integrazione (p.29-31), Edizioni Donzelli.

[September 2021] Author Article “Immigrants, access to public places, national regulations and EU law” in Quotidiano Legale,, ISSN 2784-8906 (p.1-27).

[June 2021] Co-author Chapter with Sandra Abbondandolo “Le politiche regionali per i minori non accompagnati e la devianza dei minori stranieri nel Lazio e a Roma Osservatorio Romano sulle Migrazioni, Sedicesimo Rapporto, edited by Centro Studi e Ricerche IDOS in collaboration and with the support of Istituto di Studi Politici San Pio V. Editions IDOS Rome, June 2021, p.46-51, ISBN 978-88-648-008-06.

[April 2021] Author, Chapter Universal income between humanitarian rights and the European Union within the volume “Basic Income”, edited by Enea Franza, Collana Editoriale Di Unipace-Roma “Per Un Nuovo Umanesimo”, pp.19-70, Edizioni Universitalia, ISBN 978-88-3293-475-.

[June 2021] Co-author Chapter with Sandra Abbondandolo “Le politiche regionali per i minori non accompagnati e la devianza dei minori stranieri nel Lazio e a Roma Osservatorio Romano sulle Migrazioni, Sedicesimo Rapporto, edited by Centro Studi e Ricerche IDOS in collaboration and with the support of Istituto di Studi Politici San Pio V. Editions IDOS Rome, June 2021, p.46-51, ISBN 978-88-648-008-06.

[April 2021] Author, Chapter Universal income between humanitarian rights and the European Union within the volume “Basic Income”, edited by Enea Franza, Collana Editoriale Di Unipace-Roma “Per Un Nuovo Umanesimo”, pp.19-70, Edizioni Universitalia, ISBN 978-88-3293-475-.

[February 2021] Author of “Protection of minors: issues and criticalities of the European Pact on Migration and Asylum” within the debate: Italy, Europe and the debate on the new migration policy of the Centre for International Policy Studies (CESPI)

[October 2020] Author article ” The protection of unaccompanied foreign minors: between formality and operation”, Dossier Statistico Immigrazione 2020, edited by Centro Studi e Ricerche IDOS in partnership with Confronti with the collaboration of UNAR, a project supported with the funds Otto per mille della Chiesa Valdese. Edizioni IDOS 2019, p.216-217. ISBN 978-88-648-0015-8.

[June 2020] Author Chapter “The trend of the deviance of foreign minors in Italy, Lazio and Rome” Roman Observatory on Migration, Fourteenth Report, by the IDOS Study and Research Center in collaboration and with the support of the Institute of Studies Politicians San Pio V. IDOS editions Rome, June 2020, p.136-140. ISBN 978-88-648-004-55.

[May 2020] Article co-author with Franco Pittau and Giuseppe Bea, “Immigration, entrepreneurship: a significant reality in Italy in 2000“, -nellitalia-of-2000 /, in Mediterranean Dialogues, May 2020, ISSN2384-9010.

[December 2019] Article author “Citizenship openings: the case of ancient Rome in Studies on ancient and late antiquity – VRBS, II 2019″ ISSN 2612-5552, Rome, 2019, Edizioni Phoenix Coopacai Phoenix scarl.

[October 2019] Co-author Chapter with Franco Pittau and Luca Di Sciullo “Crime of foreigners and Italians: lines for a correct comparison” Statistical Dossier Immigration 2019, by the IDOS Study and Research Center in partnership with Confronti with the collaboration of UNAR , project supported with Otto per mille funds from the Waldensian Church. IDOS 2016 editions, p.181-190. ISBN 978-88-648-0070-7.

[October 2019] Article author “Foreigners driving: driving licenses between law and discrimination”, Statistical Dossier Immigration 2019, by the IDOS Research and Study Center in partnership with Confronti with the collaboration of UNAR, project supported with Otto funds per thousand of the Waldensian Church. IDOS 2016 editions, p.198-199. ISBN 978-88-648-0070-7.

[June 2019] Article author in the magazine Roman Themes “Citizenship and the differentiated situation in the EU: the Italian case. Jurisprudential guidelines on discrimination ”, p.58-62 Legal review by the Order of Lawyers of Rome, Number 2, ISSN 0495-0658.

[May 2019] Co-author Chapter with Franco Pittau “Foreign immigration and penal aspects in Rome and Lazio Roman Observatory on Migration, Fourteenth Report, by the IDOS Research and Study Center in collaboration and with the support of the Institute of Political Studies San Pio V. Edizioni IDOS Rome, May 2019, p.170-175. ISBN 978-88-648-002-64.

[December 2018] Chapter author “The legal status of unaccompanied foreign minor”, by the Guarantor of Childhood and Adolescence of the Lazio Region, Avv. Jacopo Marzetti, I, Edition, pag.149-182, Edizioni Maggioli, ISSN 978-88-916-3138-1, December 2018

[December 2018] Article author “How to change immigration after Salvini” in the Comparison Magazine “MONTHLY OF RELIGIONS • POLITICS • SOCIETY”, n.12, pag.23-26, Coop editions. COM NEW TEMP ISSN 112505656, December 2018.

[October 2018] Co-author Chapter with Franco Pittau “Immigration and Crime: elements for a new evaluation” Dossier Statistico Immigrazione 2018, organized by the IDOS Research and Study Center in partnership with Confronti in collaboration with UNAR, project supported with funds Eight per thousand of the Waldensian Church. IDOS 2016 editions, p.181-190. ISBN 978-88-648-0070-7.

[September 2018] Author Chapter, “Constitutional jurisprudence in matters of religious freedom” , in Mediterranean Dialogues, September 2018, ISSN2384-9010.

[May 2018] Co-author Chapter with Franco Pittau “Foreign Immigration and Criminal Aspects in Rome and in the Lazio Roman” Observatory on Migrations, Eleventh Report, by the IDOS Research and Study Center in collaboration and with the support of the San Pio Institute of Political Studies V. IDOS editions Rome, April 2017, p.170-175. ISBN 978-88-648-002-64.

[March 2018] Article author in the magazine Confronti “Unaccompanied foreign minors: the legislation” in the Confronti Magazine “MONTHLY RELIGION, POLITICS and SOCIETY”, p.24-25, Coop. COM NEW TEMP ISSN 112505656.

[February 2018] Author, Volume “The legislation on immigrants and refugees in Italy: between formality and operation”, International Social Affairs, no.1-2-3-4 / 2015, pp.175, ISSN 0390 – 1181 ( Monograph), Edition realized with the contribution of CNEL and the collaboration of CREG – University of Rome – “Tor Vergata” (Monograph).

[January 2018] Author, The case of Islamist terrorism between hatred and propaganda (statistical, legal and jurisprudential guidelines in “SECURITY AND SOCIAL SCIENCES” 2/2017, pp. 179-193, Editions Franco Angeli, DOI: 10.3280 / SISS2017-002011.

[December 2017] Author article in the magazine Roman Themes “Prison, Immigration and Resocialization”, p.17-18 Review of Doctrine and Jurisprudence by the Order of the Order of Lawyers of Rome, ISSN 0495-0658.

[October 2017] Co-author Chapter with Franco Pittau “Eurostat Data on Crime of Foreign and National Citizens” Immigration Statistics Dossier 2017, curated by the IDOS Research and Research Center in Partnership with Comparisons in collaboration with UNAR, a project supported by funds Eight per thousand of the Valdese Church. Editions IDOS 2017, p. 181-185. ISBN 978-88-648-0073-8.

[September 2017] Coauthor Chapter with Franco Pittau, “Immigration and Crime: Prejudices, Data and Interpretations”, in Mediterranean Dialogues, September 2017, data-and-interpretations-2 /, ISSN2384-9010.

[June 2017] Author article “How to foster coexistence in diversity” in the “RELIGIONS MONTHLY POLITICS • SOCIETY” Magazine, p.29-31, Coop Editions. COM NEW TEMP ISSN 112505658.

[April 2017] Co-author Chapter with Franco Pittau “Foreign Crime in Rome and Lazio: Data 2013-2014. Roman Observatory on Migration, Eleventh Report, edited by the IDOS Research and Research Center in collaboration and with the support of the Institute of Political Studies San Pio V. Edizioni IDOS Rome, April 2017, p.98-107. ISBN 978-88-648-008-13.

[April 2017] Author of the article in the magazine “Theoretical guidelines on discrimination”, p.31-33 Review of Doctrine and Jurisprudence by the Order of Lawyers Law in Rome, ISSN 0495-0658.

[April 2017] Author article in the magazine “The false equation immigrants = crime” in the Confronti “MONTHLY RELIGION • POLITICS • NOW”, p.23-24, Editions Coop. COM NUOVI TEMPI, ISSN 112505658.

[March 2017] Author Chapter The role of the Court of Justice for the protection of social welfare rights in the book “The social dimension of Europe. Since the Treaty of Rome to the present day “, Editions Idos, Rome, March 2017, p.83-91. ISBN 978-88-648-0057-8.

[March 2017] Co-author Chapter with Franco Pittau, Giuseppe Bea, Olga Simeoni “Companies in immigrant Management: for an observatory open to the future” in the Mediterranean Dialogue, http: // immigrant-for-a-observatory-open-to-the future /, ISSN2384-9010.

[January 2017] Chapter Co-author with Franco Pittau “The point of the migratory phenomenon in Italy: new data, old problems“, in Mediterranean Dialogue, in January 2016, new-old-data-p, ISSN2384-9010.

[December 2016] Co-author with Enzo Rossi, The EU Agreement with Turkey: Does it Jeopardize Refugees’ Rights? in Magazine,, (december 16, 2016).

[October 2016] Chapter Co-author with Franco Pittau “A wrong equation: foreign citizens and criminal charges” Immigration Statistical Dossier 2016, by Study and Research Centre IDOS in partnership with comparisons with the collaboration of UNAR, project supported with funds eight per thousand of the Waldensian Church. Edizioni IDOS 2016, p.177-180. ISBN 978-88-648-0046-2.

[September 2016] Co-author article with Antonio Ricci “CONCILIATING NATIONAL PROVISIONS WITH INTERNATIONAL REGULATIONS. THE CASE OF UNACCOMPANIED MINORS IN THE EU AND IN ITALY” in in Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito Centro de Ciências Jurídicas – Universidade Federal da Paraíba V. 5 – Nº 02 – Ano 2016 – Migração, Mobilidade & Direitos Humanos ISSN | 2179-7137 |

[September 2016] Co-author article with Enzo Rossi “THE EUROPEAN ASYLUM SYSTEM AND HUMAN RIGHTS OF REFUGEES: TOWARDS A REGRESSION?” in in Periódico do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Gênero e Direito Centro de Ciências Jurídicas – Universidade Federal da Paraíba V. 5 – Nº 02 – Ano 2016 – Migração, Mobilidade & Direitos Humanos ISSN | 2179-7137 |

[June 2016] Author Chapter “The Italian legislation on the return of skilled workers” in “Migration qualified in Italy. Research, statistics, prospects “, Editions Idos, Rome, June 2016, p.123-136. ISBN 978-88-648-0053-0.

[February 2016] Chapter Co-author with Franco Pittau “Lazio Roman-Area, crime, immigration. The scenario and the data“. Roman Observatory on Migration, Eleventh Report, prepared by the Studies and Research Centre IDOS in collaboration and with the support of Institute of Political Studies of St. Pius V. Editions IDOS Rome, in February 2016, p.106-111. ISBN 978-88-648-0052-3.

[November 2015] Author Chapter “The Euro-Mediterranean Agreements: pension forecasts and legal interpretations” in the Magazine International Affairs Social, n.3-4 / 2015 IDOS editions in 2015 in collaboration with the Circle Diplomatic Studies, ISSN 0390-1181.

[October 2015] Chapter Co-author with Franco Pittau “Crime and deviance of the EU migrants in Italy “Immigration Statistical Dossier 2015, by Study and Research Centre IDOS in partnership with comparisons with the collaboration of UNAR, supported project funds Eight per thousand of the Waldensian Church. Editions IDOS 2015, p.175-178. ISBN 978-88-648-0034-9.

[September 2015] Co-author article with Enzo Rossi “European Asylum System and the rights Human refugees “in CITIZEN OF THE WORLD THE RIGHT WHERE YOU CHOOSE LIVE, ARACNE Edition, September 2015; p.29 – 43, ISBN 978-88-548-8756-5.

[December 2014] Collaboration Project IPRIT driving. (Immigration Paths regularity in Italy), II annuity. Prospects of cooperation between Italy and the Moroccan Ministry Guide by the Centre for Studies and Research IDOS, funded by the Home Office, Department for Civil Liberties and Immigration – central management for the policies of immigration and asylum – and conducted by the Center for Studies and Research IDOS of Rome, in collaboration with the National Association Beyond the Frontiers (ANOLF) and the Digital World Foundation. Editions Idos. ISBN 978-88-6480-035.

[October 2014] Chapter Curator “The criminal complaints against foreigners in 2012: reflections criminological and case law (paragraph 3) Ratio UNAR Immigration Immigration Statistics Dossier 2014. From discrimination rights, organized by the Centre for Studies and Research IDOS. Editions IDOS 2014, p.183-188.

[June 2014] Author “The company and Islam. A different way of looking at finance “, Report Immigration and Entrepreneurship 2014 Idos Study and Research Center in collaboration with Unioncamere, National Confederation of Crafts and Small and Medium Enterprise Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts of Rome, Moneygram – Edition IDOS June 2014; p.175,176, ISBN 978 88 6480 050 9.

[April 2014] Article “The institution of kafalah into Italian law in the light of recent Giurisprudenza” published in the journal of the Department for Civil Liberties and Immigration of the Ministry of Interior – First Floor / Beyond the bars, n. 5/13 pp. 62-67, ISSN 2037-464X.

[26.03.2014] Editor “Seventh Report EMN ITALY” Immigrants and Social Security: the Italian case, by the Ministry of Interior, Department of Civil Liberties and Immigration, Central Directorate for Immigration and Asylum Policies and Studies and Research Centre IDOS / Immigration Statistical Dossier – IDOS Edition March 2014; p. 93-98, ISBN 978 88 6480 067 7.

[November 2013] Collaboration Project IPRIT driving. (Immigration Paths regularity in Italy). Prospects of cooperation between Italy and the Moroccan Ministry Guide by the Centre for Studies and Research IDOS, funded by the Home Office, Department for Civil Liberties and Immigration – central management for the policies of immigration and asylum – and conducted by the Center for Studies and Research IDOS of Rome, in collaboration with the National Association Beyond the Frontiers (ANOLF) and the Digital World Foundation. Editions Idos. ISBN 978 -88-6480-033-2.

[November 2013] Article “The angle of the law: The protection of foreign child and the assessment of minor age “published in the journal of the Department for Civil Liberties and Immigration of the Ministry of Interior – First Floor / La Finance which includes, Year IV Third Two months in 2013, p.108-113. ISSN 2037-464X.

[October 2013] Chapter Curator “The legislation on discrimination: jurisprudential insights and data Oscad” Report UNAR Immigration Statistical Dossier 2013. From discrimination rights, organized by the Centre for Studies and Research IDOS. Editions IDOS 2013, p.195-200.

[June 2013] Component legal (Working Group Institute for the East Carlo Alfonso Nallino), Glossary EMN Asylum and Migration, in Arabic edition, edited by the European Migration Network EMN. Italian editions edited by the Ministry of the Interior, Department for Civil Liberties and Immigration and Asylum, translation into Arabic by the Institute for the East Carlo Alfonso Nallino coordiamento with the Centre for Studies and Research IDOS / Dossier Immigration Statistics, Editions Sinnos – Idos Rome, 2013. ISBN 978-88-6480-043-1;

[May 2013] Collaboration in the International Student Survey EMN Italy – CNR / IRPPS-IDOS Sixth Report EMN Italy “International students in Italian universities: empirical investigation and analysis”, Editions Idos. ISBN 978 88 6480 051 6.

[March 2013] Article “Immigration and Welfare: case law” published in the journal International Social Affairs, “The Rights of Immigrants in an intercultural context” – Editions Idos Notebook n.1,2013 promoted by UNAR. ISBN 978 88 8648 0011 0;

[December 2012] Article “To build a bridge between Europe and the Arab World” magazine published for the Department for Civil Liberties and Immigration of the Ministry of Interior – First Floor / Asylum and Dignity, n. 6/12 pp. 106-110 ISSN 2037-464X.

[21.12.2012] Working Papers “The protection of foreign child. Issues and legal aspects “ISSN -2038-6931 (in collaboration with the Creg Center for Economic and Legal).

[14.03.2012] Editor “Fourth Report EMN ITALY” Channels Migration visas and irregular flows, organized by the Ministry of the Interior, Department for Civil Liberties and Immigration and Asylum, with the support of IDOS / Statistical Dossier immigration – IDOS Edition, March 2012; ISBN 978 88 6480 019 6.

[14.06.2011] Component Scientific Committee EMN Glossary Migration and Asylum, by the European Migration Network EMN. Italian editions edited by the Ministry of the Interior, Department for Civil Liberties and Immigration and Asylum, with the support of IDOS / Dossier Immigration Statistics, Edition June 2011. ISBN 978-88-6480-0394.

[June 2011] Co-author publication “Refugees in Italy and in Europe”, Enzo Rossi and Luca Vitali, Asylum procedures between control and human rights, G. Giappichelli pp.50-71, Publisher – Torino; ISBN 978-88-348-1895-4.

[21.01.2011] Article published in the journal “Judicum”: The civil trial in Italy and in Europe, related to procedures and timing of applications for international protection; www.judicium E191290.

[03.11.2010] Working Papers procedures and timing of applications for international protection: The Appeals ISSN -2038-6931 (in collaboration with the CREG (Center for Economic and Legal).

[2009] Article in the field of Islamic Law and Legal system Italian, published in the journal four “Aliens” Review of studies and case law – Immigration Publisher Studio sas (; ISSN 1720-4402.