
More than 100 speeches and lectures held in 7 years of activity in occasion of national and international conferences, university lectures and symposia Italy,Morocco, etc…

[Naples January 13, 2023], Speaker at the “Giancarlo SIANI” Council Chamber of the Regional Council of Campania, the Conference “The Rights of Minors in Sport,” organized by AINSPED sez. Campania in partnership with the Observatory on Sport and Youth Discomfort of CNS Libertas APS, CREG – University of Rome Tor Vergata and GS Flames Gold, in the perspective of the National Project “Move Run Walk Against Bullying.”

[Rome December 13, 2022], Speaker at the conference “Human Rights and Rescue at Sea” organized by the Commission on Human Rights and EU Citizens and Foreigners of the Rome Bar Association.

[Rome 12 December 2022] Speaker at the International Conference held on the occasion of World Human Rights Day, presentation of the volume CONSTITUTIONALISM, PERSONAL STATUS AND CHILD PROTECTION IN TUNISIA by Paolo Iafrate and the CREG Series, with the participation of the Idos Study and Research Centre, the San Pio V Institute, and with the participation of the MEDIM Master (Master in Economics, Law and Intercultural Migration) University of Rome “Tor Vergata”

[Rome 18 november 2022] , International Day for the Rights of Children and Adolescents, International Conference, “Child Protection in the National, European and International Context: Developments and Planning”. The CREG, Centre for Economic and Legal Research of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” in collaboration with the MEDIM Master (Master in Economics, Law and Intercultural Migration), on the occasion of the International Day for the Rights of the Child and Adolescent, with the patronage of the Representation in Italy of the European Commission, with the participation of the Bambino Gesù Paediatric Hospital, GS Flames Gold and the Obiettivo Fanciullo ODV Association, (Volunteer Organisation) offers the opportunity to deepen, free of charge, some issues concerning the protection of children in the international, European and national context.

[Cassino 9 november 2022] Conference “Bullying and Youth Discomfort, Sport a school of life”, organised by the University of Cassino and Lazio Meridionale, the CREG – University of Rome – Tor Vergata, the Observatory on Sport and Youth Discomfort of CNS Libertas APS, together with GS Flames Gold, AINSPED and other Institutional Bodies and Sports Federations within the National Project “Move Run WalkAgainst Bullying”.

[Rome 25 july 2022], International conference speaker on Human Rights and Climate Change, organised by the International University for Peace (UPEACE), “The Role of the Humanities in Higher Education” Conference Rome (virtual) 22-23-25, July 2022, International University for Peace (UPEACE), Rome, Italy.

[L’Aquila 30.05.2022] Speaker at the online presentation at the University of L’Aquila of the Dossier Statistico Immigrazione 2021 edited by the Centro Studi e Ricerche IDOS in partnership with Confronti with the collaboration of UNAR, a project supported with Otto per mille funds of the Chiesa Valdese.

[Rome,20 April 2022], event “Sport and Peace” realised by CREG – University of Rome “Tor Vergata” University of Rome “Tor Vergata” On the occasion of the International Day of Sport and Peace and by GS Flames Gold.

[Rome,24 March 2022], event “Discrimination and Discriminatory Practices” realised by CREG- University of Rome “Tor Vergata” University of Rome “Tor Vergata” On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, with the participation of Idos Study and Research Centre, the San Pio V Institute and GS Flames Gold. [Rome, 10.03.2022], Speaker at the COURSE “Fragility Medicine: state of the art and perspectives”, Auditorium V. Nobili Auditorium, organised by the Bambino Gesù Paediatric Hospital.

[Roma,  23.02.2022] finalized by CREG- University of Rome “Tor Vergata” with GS Flames Gold – THE RISKS OF SOCIAL MEDIA AND WEB REPUTATION”, within the V Edition of the Project “Are you in the game or offside? Ethical School”, aimed at preventing and combating bullying, cyberbullying and youth discomfort in the school environment and with the participation of the Master MEDIM (Master in Economics, Law and Intercultural Migration) University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.

[Roma,  29.10.2021], University of Rome “Tor Vergata” with GS Flames Gold – MINORI SENZA CONFINI TRA DISAGIO E DEVIANZA,”, within the V Edition of the Project “Are you in the game or offside? Ethical School”, aimed at preventing and combating bullying, cyberbullying and youth discomfort in the school environment and with the participation of the Master MEDIM (Master in Economics, Law and Intercultural Migration) University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.

[Rome, 15 July 2021] , Speaker at the COURSE “Medicine of migrations: the medicine of fragile people”, Auditorium V. Nobili Auditorium, organized by Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital.

[Rome, 30 April 2021] , Speaker at the TRAINING COURSE ON IMMIGRATION LAW: organized by CREG, a day dedicated to family unity and cohesion. Minors. Citizenship – University of Rome “Tor Vergata” and by the Commission of Human Rights and EU citizens and foreigners of the Bar Association of Rome.

[Rome 13 April 2021]  Speaker event organized by CREG- University of Rome “Tor Vergata” for the presentation of the Course of Criminal Mediation – internship and mediation techniques socio-economic distress and juvenile deviance – University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.

[Rome, 29 March  2021] event realised by CREG- University of Rome “Tor Vergata” with GS Flames Gold, “Sport, Ethics and Integration of Minors”, with the participation of MEDIM (Master in Law and Interculture of Migrations) Master.

[Rome, 25  March 2021] event “Discrimination and discriminatory practices” realised by CREG- University of Rome “Tor Vergata” On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, with the participation of European Network Against Racism (Enar), Ufficio Antidiscriminazioni Razziali-Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri (UNAR) Idos Association and Idos Study and Research Centre.

[Rome, 4 March 2021], event realized by CREG- University of Rome “Tor Vergata” with GS Flames Gold – MINORS WITHOUT BORDERS BETWEEN DISEASE AND DEVIANCE, Event in collaboration with: the Project “ARE YOU IN THE GAME OR OUT OF THE GAME? – ETHICAL SCUOLA” and with the participation of the Criminal Mediation Course – internship and mediation techniques socio-economic discomfort and juvenile deviance – University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.

[Rome, 9 February 2021], event organized by the CREG- University of Rome “Tor Vergata” with GS Flames Gold – “Seven Days against Bullying and Cyberbullying” on the occasion of the National Day against Bullying and Cyberbullying as part of the 4th Edition of the Project “Are you in the game or offside? Ethical School”, aimed at preventing and combating bullying, cyberbullying and youth discomfort in the school environment.

[Rome, January 18, 2021] , WORLD DAY OF THE MIGRANT AND REFUGEE event organized by CREG- University of Rome “Tor Vergata” and the Commission of Human Rights and EU Citizens and Foreigners of the Bar Association of Rome, ON THE OCCASION OF THE WORLD DAY OF THE MIGRANT AND REFUGEE “IMMIGRATION AND HUMAN RIGHTS: BETWEEN INNOVATION AND CRITICISM” at the Law Chambers of the Bar Association of Rome.

[Rome,11 December 2020] CREG – University of Rome Tor Vergata – Videoconference, on the occasion of the World Human Rights Day, under the patronage of the Representation in Italy of the European Commission.

[Rome,20 November 2020], Speaker at the videoconference “La Tutela del minore nel contesto regionale e nell’area metropolitana di Roma: sviluppi e progettitualità” (The protection of minors in the regional context and in the metropolitan area of Rome: developments and planning) organised by CREG, the Centre for Economic and Legal Research of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” on the occasion of the International Day for the Rights of the Child and Adolescence, with the patronage of the Lazio Region’s Guarantor of Childhood and Adolescence.

[Rome, 3 November 2020], Informal hearings, by videoconference (with the sending of a memoir), as part of the examination of bill C. 2727, converting the decree – law n. 130 of 2020, containing urgent provisions on immigration, international and complementary protection, amendments to articles 131-bis, 391-bis, 391-ter and 588 of the Penal Code, as well as measures concerning the prohibition of access to public establishments and public detention facilities, the fight against the distorted use of the web and the regulation of the National Guarantor of the rights of persons deprived of their personal freedom

[Rome, 14 October 2020], Speaker at the COURSE “Migration Medicine: the medicine of fragile people”, in Videoconference.
URP and Ludic Welcoming Services organized by the Baby Jesus Children’s Hospital

[Rome, 19 June 2020], Speaker at the public in-depth meeting, study and debate on “World Refugee Day”, organized by the CREG, Economic and Legal Research Center of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” on the occasion of the Day world refugee of 20 June 2020.

[Rome, 5 June 2020], Speaker at the in-depth meeting “Migration Policies in the national and European context”, organized by the CREG, Economic and Legal Research Center of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” with the sponsorship of the Representation in Italy of the European Commission, by videoconference..

[Rome 03.02.2020] Speaker at the conference “Migrants: Law and rights. From legislation to procedural protection, organized by the Vis Romana Association, Heroes’ Theater.

[Rome 24.01.2020] Speaker at the “Bullying, school and sport” conference, organized by GS Flames Gold with the patronage of the Municipality of Ciampino, “Pietro Nennni” council chamber.

[Rome 14.01.2020] Member of the Technical Table meeting at the 3rd Permanent Commission (Foreign Affairs and Emigration) of the Senate of the Republic, on Belarusian-Italian humanitarian, cultural and educational cooperation, with a particular focus on the protection of children and ‘adolescence.

[Rome 06.12.2019] Speaker at the International Conference ARTSTOGETHER, FINAL CONFERENCE, INTEGRATING MIGRANT CHILDREN IN EUROPE, Integrating migrant children in Europe at schools and civil society: Analysis of the actual situation and reflections regarding the human rights and on inclusion procedures for a sustainable Future. “at Spazio Europa, managed by the European Parliament Information Office in Italy and the European Commission Representation in Italy.

  • [Rome 04.12.2019] Speaker at the agreement “THE ECHR AND HUMAN RIGHTS: CURRENT PERSPECTIVES AND FUTURE SCENARIOS. THE NEW CHALLENGES OF HUMANITY Organized by the New Borders of Law Associations, Legal Action, Forensic Laboratory, Primiceri Editore at the – Casanatense Library – Via Di S. Ignazio, 52
  • [Rome 21.09.2019] Speaker at the seminar “THE RIGHTS OF CHILDHOOD AND ADOLESCENCE 30 YEARS FROM THE UN CONVENTION: SOLUTIONS AND PERSPECTIVES” organized CONFERENCE OF THE PRESIDENTS OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLIES OF THE REGIONS AND AUTONOMOUS PROVINCES and from UNICEF – Sala Zuccari – Palazzo Giustiniani, at the Senate of the Republic, via della Dogana vecchia, 29
  • [Rome 21.09.2019] IV Training Course “THE CHALLENGE OF INTEGRATION IN ITALY AND EUROPE”, created by the KONRAD ADENAUER FOUNDATION and the Luigi Sturzo Institute
  • [Rome 20.9.2019] CALRE 2019 conference, MIGRATION, SOCIAL POLICIES AND HUMAN RIGHTS. NON-ACCOMPANIED FOREIGN MINORS, Regional Council of Lazio at the invitation of the Assembly of the Conference of Presidents of European Regional Assemblies (CALRE).
  • [Rome 30.07.2019] Audition, at the Bureau of the Senate Constitutional Affairs Commission of the bill n. 1437, hall of the Constitutional Affairs Commission, Palazzo Carpegna in the examination of the bill converting the law decree n. 53 of 2019, containing urgent provisions regarding public order and safety
  • [Rome 02.07.2019] Audition, at the Sala del Mappamondo of Palazzo Montecitorio, the Commissions united Constitutional Affairs and Justice as part of the examination of the bill converting the law decree n. 53 of 2019, containing urgent provisions regarding public order and safety:
  • [Rome 23.5.2019] Speaker at the Course on Rights Education (XI Edition) – Tor Vergata University of Rome, on the occasion of the European Union Day, at the meeting dedicated to the Protection of foreign minors in the national and European context created by CREG, Center for Economic and Legal Research of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, in collaboration with the Master MEDIM (Master in Law Economics and Migration Interculturation) with the sponsorship of the European Commission Representation in Italy , with the sponsorship of the Lazio Region’s Child and Adolescent Ombudsman and the participation of the IDOS Study and Research Center,
  • [Rome 16.5.2019] Speaker at the ETNO SEMINARS – EVOLUTIONARY PSYCHOLOGY Postgraduate School of Clinical Psychology (SSPC) Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Dynamic and Clinical Psychology, What safeguards and rights for young migrants?
  • [Rome 22.3.2019] Speaker at the Course on Rights Education (XI Edition) – Tor Vergata University of Rome.
  • [Rome 18.2.2019, 02.5.2019] Component TECHNICAL TABLE “MIGRATORY POLICIES AND UFO” at the invitation of the Assembly of the Conference of Presidents of European Regional Assemblies (CALRE). The Table intends to focus on some important issues to bring to the attention of politicians and experts in order to perfect the current regulatory path, identify strategic agreements between Regions to harmonize interventions, collect contributions for the development of a “green card” to support the European legislators. Specifically, the Table addresses the critical issues of the application of the Zampa Law 47/2017, which in any case represents a national model of inclusion and acceptance to which other States could be inspired
  • [Brussels 30.01.2019] Speaker at the European Parliament during the conference “Protection of foreign unaccompanied minors”, organized by the Vice President of the European Parliament, Fabio Massimo Castaldo, with the participation of the Guarantor of Childhood and Adolescence of the Region Lazio, as an Italian delegate, as an expert on immigration law within the first Italian delegation of voluntary guardians of unaccompanied foreign minors (MSNA).
  • [Rome 15.01.2019] Speaker at the presentation of the Immigration Statistical Dossier, 2018, carried out by IDOS in partnership with Confronti and support of the Otto funds for the Thousand of the Waldensian Table – Union of Methodist and Waldensian churches and the collaboration of the UNAR / Department Equal opportunities of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Sala Polivalente il Girasole.
  • [Alvito (FR) 10.12.2018] Speaker at the presentation of the Immigration Statistical Dossier, 2018, created by IDOS in partnership with Confronti and the support of the Otto funds for the Thousand of the Waldensian Table – Union of Methodist and Waldensian churches and the collaboration of UNAR / Department for Equal Opportunities of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, as part of the World Day on Human Rights, with the CREG (Center for Economic and Legal Research) of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, with the participation of Onimpresa aps and the Rise Hub association,
  • [Rome 11.20.2018] Speaker at the ROUND TABLE on the occasion of the presentation of the book “THE ERRANT REVOLUTION, THE WEST OF THE FRONT OF THE MASS IMMIGRATION”, created by the KONRAD ADENAUER FOUNDATION and the Luigi Sturzo Institute.
  • [Rome 6.11.2018] Speaker at the Seminar organized by the Conference of Young Lawyers: The C.D. Salvini Decree: implication and prospects one month after its entry into force – Rome Bar Association, Teatro degli Eroi, 15.00 to 17.00.
  • [Rome 12.10.2018] Speaker for the legal module for the Training Course for Volunteer Tutors for Foreign Unaccompanied Minors organized by the Lazio Region Child Welfare Authority – pursuant to Law n.47 / 2017 and by the Istituto Arturo Carlo Jemolo
  • [Rome 09.06.2018] Speaker at the III Training Course “THE CHALLENGE OF INTEGRATION IN ITALY AND EUROPE”, created by the KONRAD ADENAUER FOUNDATION and by the Luigi Sturzo Institute with the participation of ISMU, FASI, CENASS, UTOPIA, EURAC.
  • [Rome 06.06.2018] Refresher course for Immigration Lawyers – Order of Lawyers of Rome, Lawyers Hall, Palace of Justice, Piazza Cavour, from 15.30 to 18.30, Italian Citizenship and Statelessness: prospects for reform.
  • [Anzio 26.05.2018] Speaker for the legal module for the Training Course for Volunteer Tutors for Unaccompanied Foreign Minors organized by the Lazio Region Child Welfare Authority – pursuant to Law n.47 / 2017 and by the Istituto Arturo Carlo Jemolo.
  • [Rome 29.05.2018] Speaker at the seminar “Preparing for the new Privacy: knowing and applying the GDPR in the health sector” of the Data Protection Officer and Information Security Training Course – Department of Economics and Finance A.A. 2017-2018), in collaboration with the Center for Juridical Economic Research (CREG).
  • [Rome 18.05.2018] Speaker for the legal module at the Training Course for Volunteer Tutors for Unaccompanied Foreign Minors organized by the Lazio Region Child Protection Authority – pursuant to Law n.47 / 2017 and by the Istituto Arturo Carlo Jemolo.
  • [Alvito, Frosinone 14, 21.05.2018 and 04.06.2018] Speaker for the legal module in the framework of the project “Valli a Include” funded by the Lazio Region regarding the Call for Active Social Inclusion, the project is implemented by the cooperative Prassi e Research and Artistic Villages, promoted and supported by the Gal Versante Laziale of the PNA, the main objective is to increase the skills of 15 young people in conditions of economic and social hardship, through paths of personal strengthening and social support for future employability. Promoters of the project are the Social Cooperative “Prassi e Ricerca Onlus” and the Social Enterprise Borghi Artistici in collaboration with Galverla.
  • [Padova 03.05.2018] Speaker at the seminar “Preparing for the new Privacy: knowing and applying the GDPR in the company” organized by the Chamber of Commerce of Padua in collaboration with the CREG Center for Economic and Legal Research of the University of Rome ” Tor Vergata, Conference Center “Alla Stanga” – P.zza Zanellato 21 – Padova “.
  • [Rome 21.03.2018] Speaker at the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination – Conference “Management of humanitarian crises and human rights – carried out by the University of Peace in Rome, Tor Vergata University of Rome with the participation of the Idos Study and Research Center.
    Rome 12.03.2018] Refresher course for Immigration Lawyers – Order of Lawyers of Rome, Lawyers Hall, Palace of Justice, Piazza Cavour, from 15.30 to 18.30, Offenses concerning immigration.
  • [Rome 05.03.2018] Refresher course for Immigration Lawyers – Rome Bar Association, Lawyers Hall, Courthouse, Piazza Cavour, from 3.30 pm to 6.30 pm, Expulsion and expulsion.
    • [Rome 06 – 21.3.2018] Speaker at the Course on Rights Education (X Edition) – Tor Vergata University of Rome.
  • [Rome 19.02.2018] Refresher course for Immigration Lawyers – Order of Lawyers of Rome, Lawyers Hall, Palace of Justice, Piazza Cavour, from 15.30 to 18.30, International and humanitarian protection.
  • [Rome 05.02.2018] Refresher course for Immigration Lawyers – Order of Lawyers of Rome, Lawyers Hall, Palace of Justice, Piazza Cavour, from 15.30 to 18.30, The residence permit.
  • [Rome 29.01.2018] Refresher course for Immigration Lawyers – Order of Lawyers of Rome, Lawyers Hall, Palace of Justice, Piazza Cavour, from 15.30 to 18.30, Entrance for non-EU citizens: entry visas and off-quota entrances,
  • [Rome 22.01.2018] Refresher course for Immigration Lawyers – Order of Lawyers of Rome, from 15.30 to 18.30, Lawyers hall, Palace of Justice, Piazza Cavour “Entry and stay and removal of EU citizens”.
  • [Rome 22.01.2018 – 12.03.2018] Component Scientific Committee and speaker Refresher course for Immigration Lawyers – Rome Bar Association, from 15.30 to 18.30. (22.1.2018 Entry and stay and expulsion of EU citizens, 29.1.2018 Entry of non-EU citizens: entry visas and entry fees, 5.2.2018 residence permit, 12.2.2018 Protection of family and minors , 19.2.2018 international and humanitarian protection, 26.2.2108 Italian citizenship: prospects for reform, 5.3.2018 Expulsion and execution of expulsion “, 12.3.2018, Crimes concerning immigration).
  • [Rome 13.01.2018] Speaker for the legal module at the Training Course for Volunteer Tutors for Foreign Unaccompanied Minors organized by the Lazio Region Child Welfare Authority – pursuant to Law n.47 / 2017 and by the Istituto Arturo Carlo Jemolo.
  • [Rome 06.12.2017] Speaker at the day of presentation of the Data Protection Officer and Information Security Training Course – Department of Economics and Finance A.A. 2017-2018), in collaboration with the Center for Legal Economic Research (CREG) and with the Privacy & Compliance Association.
  • [Rome 15.11.2017] Speaker for the legal module for the Training Course for Volunteer Tutors for Unaccompanied Foreign Minors organized by the Lazio Region Child Welfare Authority – pursuant to Law n.47 / 2017 and by the Istituto Arturo Carlo Jemolo.
  • [Rome 07.07.2017] Speaker at the Seminar organized at the Campidoglio, Sala del Carroccio, by the University of Peace, University of Peace in Rome, Psychology of Emergency: “The rights, the areas of intervention and the new perspectives”, with the collaboration of the Red Cross, of the National Civil Aviation Association (ANPAC), the National Order of Psychologists.
  • [Rossano Calabro 10.06.2017] Speaker at the Aiga Conference (Italian Young Lawyers Association), “International Protection and Asylum Law”, Roundtable Reception and Solidarity – Judicial Protection of the Rights of Migrant Migrants – Minor unmarried foreigners.
    [Rome 22.05.2017] Speaker at the Conference organized by the Giuridica Culture Association, European Citizenship as Future, Le Salette Theater
  • [Rome 29.03.2017] Speaker of the Seminar organized by the CREG (Judicial Research Center) University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, in collaboration with the IDOS Research Center and MEDIM Master, A proposal to support the reporting of Hate crimes online: the App of the eMORE Project.
  • [Rome 13-27.3.2017] Speaker of the Rights Education Course (IX Edition) – University of Rome Tor Vergata.
  • [Brussels 22-23.03.2017] Italian Delegate, as an immigration law expert during European study days at the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, promoted by the Idos Research and Research Center and From the Institute of Political Studies St. Pius V with the support of the European Parliament.
  • [Rome 17.03.2017] Speaker at the conference “IMMIGRATION BETWEEN IDENTITY AND INTEGRATION: STANDARDS, PRACTICES, CASES” at Spazio Europa, run by the Italian Information Office in Italy and by the European Commission Representation in Italy organized by Adugi Onlus, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Legal Professional Network.
  • [Rome 16.02.2017] Speaker of the Seminar on Immigration, Integration and Terrorism, the protection of rights and prevention, repression and propaganda, Rome – 2, organized by the District District of Rome, Criminal Chamber of Rome and the Rome Lawyers’ Order
  • [Brussels 29/11/2016] Chief Italian, as an immigration law expert to discuss skilled migration within the European study day organized by the Research Centre Idos and the Institute of Political Studies S. Pio V with the support of the European Parliament
  • [Roma 30.06.2016] Speaker at professional development conference of the National Forensic (ANF) and Organization Unit Advocacy (OUA), Clandestine and decriminalization: article 10 bis TUI, after Dlgs.8 / 2016;
  • [Roma 18.05.2016] Speaker at the Training Course to more detailed explanations on immigration, family, children, citizenship organized by the National School for the Judiciary, the territorial structure of decentralized training of Rome and the Order of Lawyers of Rome;
  • [Roma 31.03.2016] Coordinator and Speaker at the Training Course to more detailed explanations on immigration, Discipline of administrative expulsions, organized by the National School for the Judiciary, the territorial structure of decentralized training of Rome and the Order of Lawyers From Rome;
  • [Roma 02.02.2016] Speaker at the Training Course to more detailed explanations on immigration, The evolution of the migration phenomenon and of related legislation, organized by the National School for the Judiciary, the territorial structure of decentralized training of Rome and by ‘ Bar Association of Rome;
  • [Roma 27.11.2015] Lecture on the Course public defenders for Juvenile Court and Appeal Court for Minors of the Order of Lawyers of Rome;
  • [Roma 01.10.2015] Speaker at the Conference CITIZEN OF THE WORLD, The right to choose to live by the Commission for Human Rights Body Advocacy Unit (OAU), – SENATE – Chapter House at the Cloister of convent of Santa Maria sopra Minerva Piazza della Minerva 38.
  • [Roma 13.05.2015] Speaker at the Synergasia-Idos project “Training 360 degrees” for the Rome Prefecture, training programs organized by the Studies and Research Centre IDOS.
  • [Roma 27-] Speaker at the University Master’s Degree in Economics, Law and Intercultural Migration – Medim. – University of Rome Tor Vergata, in the field of entry and residence requirements;
  • [Casablanca 30.01.2015 / 01.02.2015] Speaker at the training session of Casablanca within the Project I.P.R.IT. II annuity (Immigration regularity trails in Italy). Italian legislation on immigration aimed at the social world and representatives of the local public administration. 8-hour training.
  • [Roma 12.12.2014] Expert Legal regularity trails in Italy “IPRIT II Annuity (Immigration Regularity trails in Italy), funded by the Home Office, Department for Civil Liberties and Immigration – Central Directorate for the policies of ‘immigration and asylum – and conducted by the Centre for Studies and research IDOS Rome, in collaboration with the National Association Beyond the Borders (ANOLF) and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
  • [Roma 10.04.2014] Lecture on the Rights to Education Course (sixth edition) – University of Rome Tor Vergata.
  • [Teramo 04.04.2014] Speaker at the presentation of the 2013 Immigration Statistics Dossier From discriminations to rights – Unar- Idos Report UNAR initiative in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Teramo, Teramo CNA, ANOLF, AINI.
  • [Roma 12.03 / 10.04.2014] Member of the Scientific Committee of the Rights Education Course (sixth edition) – University of Rome Tor Vergata;
  • [Roma 26.03.2014] Lecture to WORKSHOP EMN 2014 Seminar in Rome, “” The social protection of immigrants in Italy: current legislation, cognitive and operational aspects of possible developments “.
  • [Roma 09.12.2013] Lecture on the 2nd National Meeting EMN 2013 “What future social security for immigrants? national legislation and bilateral agreements on “” Equal opportunities of the imperfect social security sector. “
  • [Roma 19.11.2013] Speaker at the “SECOND EDITION OF THE WEEK OF ARABIC AND ENTREPRENEURS IN ITALY meeting Deepening of the Migratory Phenomenon” in collaboration with IDOS Study and Research Centre Immigration Statistical Dossier at the Egyptian Cultural Office.
  • [Casablanca 11.08.2013 / 10.11.2013] Speaker at the training session of Casablanca within the Project I.P.R.IT. (Immigration regularity trails in Italy). Italian legislation on immigration aimed at the social world and representatives of the local public administration. 8-hour training.
  • [Roma 01.11.2013] Expert Legal regularity trails in Italy “IPRIT (Immigration Regularity trails in Italy), funded by the Home Office, Department for Civil Liberties and Immigration – Central Directorate for Immigration Policy and asylum – and conducted by the Centre for Studies and research IDOS Rome, in collaboration with the National Association Beyond the Borders (ANOLF) and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale.
  • [Rome 20.09.2013 – 02.10.2014] Member of the Scientific Committee and speaker Course for Lawyers immigrationists – Order Of Rome Bar.
  • [Roma 7.03 / 05.09.2013] Member of the Scientific Committee of the Rights Education Course (V Edition) – University of Rome Tor Vergata.
  • [Roma 07 / 27.03.2013] Speaker at the Course of Education to the Rights (Fifth Edition) – University of Rome Tor Vergata.
  • [Roma 14.12.2012] Speaker at the 2nd National EMN Meeting 2012 “in Arabic Glossary”, Component Juridical Committee “in Arabic Glossary EMN Migration and Asylum”;
  • [28.05.2012] Speaker at the Conference of the Bar Council of Lawyers Roma The New Libya Economic opportunities and challenges for Italians entrepreneurs: The workforce in Libya new frontiers for immigration.
  • [Roma 22.05.2012] Speaker of the National Council for Research Need Classroom, Seminar on migration of international students, promoted by IRPPS-Cnr and IDOS / EMN Italy in the framework of the meeting of twinning with the EMN of Finland, immigration service of the Ministry of the Interior and with the support of the immigration Statistical Dossier Caritas / Migrantes.
  • [Roma 21.05.2012] Speaker at the Conference of the Bar Council of Lawyers Roma The New Libya Reconciliation of a country with its citizens prospects and expectations: The immigration law: the old and new citizenship.
  • [Roma Academic Year 2011/2012] Member of the Scientific Committee of the Rights to Education Course (Fourth Edition) – University of Rome Tor Vergata;
  • [Roma 09.05.2012] Lecteur on Rights Education Course (Fourth Edition) – University of Rome Tor Vergata.
  • [Roma 09.11.2011] Speaker at the 2nd National Meeting EMN 2011, “Hints on irregular migration in the recent case law”.
  • [Luxembourg 26 / 29.09.2011] Participation at the 4th Conference of the National Contact Point in Luxembourg EMN (European Migration Network), “Disappearance – Rester – Partir Schengen- Luxembourg- Europe), as a national expert, collaborator EMN Italy.
  • [Roma 24.06.2011] Speaker at the debate “diplomats, jurists, comparing immigrants and social workers from the Glossary on Immigration and Asylum – EMN” at the British Embassy in Italy. Report on the use of legal Glossary Immigration and Asylum EMN Forum for intercultural Caritas of Rome, European Migration Network Italy, Statistical Dossier on Immigration Caritas / Migrantes;
  • [Roma 14.06.2011] Organization for the EMN Glossary Introduction “Migration and Asylum” at University of Rome Tor Vergata “– Rome.
  • [Roma 04.05.2011] Speaker at the seminar “Protection of childhood and adolescence: a new culture of international solidarity through the participation of young people” in collaboration with the Ministry of Economic and Social Development, CREG (Legal Centre for Economic Research), UNICEF, University of Rome “Tor Vergata.” Report on the Protection of the issues related to the foreign child, jurisprudential analysis and practical cases.
  • [Roma 03.07.2009] Speaker at the refresher seminar for Notaries “impact on Italian notarial practice of the right of Islamic and Chinese family in property relations and in succession: general features and case studies” .Organizzation Studio sas immigration with the collaboration of jurist Master European Studies of the University of Roma Tre. intervention theme: Islamic Law and Legal system Italian.
  • [Roma 30.04.2009] Correlator in the Course Development Education on Human Rights, the theme of “Human Rights in the confrontation between cultures: Rome, the West and Islam”, organized at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, in collaboration with UNICEF and Creg (Centre of Economic research and Legal).