
Attorney Advocate before the Supreme Court and other Superior Jurisdictions. Since 19 february 2010, he mainly deals with Criminal Law, Immigration Law and Right of Muslim and Islamic countries, juvenile criminal law and issues relating to the protection of minors in general, as well as the issues of Privacy and Compliance ; his office has been structured according to specific expertise related to the main areas of law thanks to the cooperation with a wide network of professionals.

Main experiences:

Doctorate in Comparative Law, with special focus on Islamic Law, at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. He is currently Contract Professor in “National and European regulations on immigration” at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, as well as member of the Strategic Committee of the university Center for Economic and Legal Research (CREG) and collaborates, as an independent expert, with several public and private centers.

He is a professor at the International University for Peace – Onlus – Italian Headquarters (Rome) in “Human Rights, Immigration and Cooperation”, as well as head of the “Human Rights, Immigration and Cooperation” Department, member of the Board of Directors and Ethics Committee.

He’s also external expert of the European Commission for the programs: Erasmus+, Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), Asylum, migration and integration fund (AMIF) from 2014 to 2020, Justice program 2021-2027 Rights, Equality and citizenship in 2014-2020, Horizon 2020.

From 2014 he has been entrusted as a special guardian for the procedural representation of minors in civil proceedings and as an expert in Muslim Law of Islamic Countries and Immigration Law.

Since 2011 he has been accredited in the board of public defenders at the Juvenile Court of Rome.

Author of numerous publications on the subject.

He completed his university degree at the Faculty of Law with a doctorate in Legal System in Roman Law and its Unification, focusing also Islamic law at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.

Subsequently, not only he continued his legal studies, publishing articles for magazines or specialized reviews, but also started the legal profession as a criminal defense lawyer, thus having the opportunity to deal with the cases of immigrants, asylum seekers and minors. In particular, he has supported foreigners in the renewal phase of the residence permit, the request of Italian citizenship and statelessness status, as well as in proceedings against the expulsions. He also has legally assisted asylum seekers in the framework of the application for international protection and children as well.

In July 2019, at the Sala del Mappamondo of Palazzo Montecitorio, the Constitutional Affairs and Justice Commissions of the Chamber of Deputies were audited as part of the examination of the draft law C. 1913, converting the decree into law law converting the decree law n. 53 of 2019, containing urgent provisions regarding public order and safety:
and at the Presidential Office of the Senate Constitutional Affairs Commission of the bill n. 1437, classroom of the Constitutional Affairs Commission, Palazzo Carpegna in the examination of the bill converting the law decree n. 53 of 2019, containing urgent provisions regarding public order and safety. In March 2023 he was heard on ddl 314 (State co-payment of costs for minors in communities or institutions by the 1st Senate Committee XIX.

Finally he implemented several interventions as researcher or trainer abroad (Tunisia, Libya and Morocco) and especially in Italy, in the framework of his collaboration with the Study and Research Center IDOS.

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